Help us give individuals with disabilities the chance to shine!
Pageant Locations
Queens Crowned
Princesses Crowned
Escorts Crowned
Sponsor a Queen 
At a Miss Magnificent pageant, every single participant receives a wonderful prize package. Princesses and queens receive a sash, crown, trophy, and goody bag. Our escorts receive a trophy, medal, and goody bag. It costs approximately $50 per contestant to ensure that everyone gets their prize package. In addition, we keep our pageants 100% free of cost for participants and their families.
Please consider participating in our Sponsor a Queen program by donating $50 through this PayPal link to help bring a smile to the face of one of our participants.
Miss Magnificent Pageantry’s primary source of funding is donations from individuals and corporations. We strive to provide the absolute best for our participants while also keeping our pageants free of charge. Donations pay for various pageant expenses, including sashes, tiaras, trophies, and venue rentals.
If you are considering a large donation ($250+) please consider becoming a sponsor.