About Miss Magnificent Pageantry
Miss Magnificent Pageantry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting the self-esteem, confidence, and communication skills of individuals with special needs. We strive to provide a positive, encouraging environment for our participants while also keeping our events free of cost for all those involved.
Our goal is to give everyone a chance to shine.
Pageant Locations
Queens Crowned
Princesses Crowned
Escorts Crowned

SUSIE, mother
“Seeing our girls, alongside all the other girls, completely light up with joy when they won something, was the best sight ever. So many times I was moved to tears during the pageant to see how special each girl was, and how genuine and precious they were.”

LETTY, mother
“Most rewarding experience for my daughter! This pageant has awaken her little spirit in a very large way! She feels important! Thank You!!!!”

LEEANN, participant
“I’m a princess mommy!”